February 13, 2021

City green zones are coming!

As we all move towards a greener and cleaner Scotland the Energy saving trust is offering households, within a 20km radius of low emission zones, up to £3000 towards the safe disposal of non-compliant vehicles.

The Scottish Government is introducing low emission zones across Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee between February and May 2022. Low emission zones set minimum emission standards on roads within specific areas, allowing penalty-free access to only the cleanest vehicles to improve air quality.

The Low Emission Zone Support Fund, funded by Transport Scotland and administered by Energy Saving Trust, offers an incentive for low-income households to take older, more polluting vehicles off the road.

Grants of up to £3,000 are available to incentivise the disposal of non-compliant vehicles:

  • £2,000 is available to eligible households who dispose of their non-compliant vehicle with a Scottish Authorised treatment facility. The applicant must live close to a proposed Scottish low emission zone and be in receipt of specific means-tested benefits.
  • Travel Better incentives of up to £500 will also be made available for each adult in the household. A maximum of £1,000 per household applies.

For more details visit https://www.lowemissionzones.scot/funding

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